Friday, May 30, 2008

busy, but good

good morning, As we are going into the weekend.. it is a welcomed treat to not have to go anywhere. I think that I will do some yard work and just hangout.

Life lately has been very busy.. As much as I hate to use that word ( I prefer active)because I think that you are only as busy as you want to be.. and we do have to learn to say no.
With all of that said, there are brief moments in your life were unforseen things happen or doing the "right thing" play a part.

I think this morning I am feeling mentally busy and body drained. I think I need to find "self" again. As we read every magazine and listen to the radio they all encourage courses & products to enhance this process. What I think I need.. more time to reflect and just "be"
I was listening to Martha Stewart Radio the other day and the whole talk show was about just simply slowing down. Not sure what that looks like with a family, business, yard, sports.......etc. but I think I am sure going to put a plan in place to make that closer to reality.

I think I am going to start by making praying a priority. Not something that comes easy for me and I think that quiet reflective time could do us all a little bit of good.
I going to leave everyone with that thought and please comment on what helps you slow down..
I am sure we could all use this advice.
blessing, Twink.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Do you blog about it.?

Good evening everyone.. If you are reading this you are probably the 1400 visitor to the blog or close to it. I couldn't believe the number when I scrolled down tonight. I was excited and sad at the same time. So... I have a lot of people that "click in" but not that many comments.. now either you don't know how to comment, you don't want to comment or my posts are not interesting enough to encourage a discussion. What ever the case may be, I am glad that I have this "little space" to write some stuff down and an opportunity to share some pictures with you.

If you don't know how to comment, click on the bottom were the word "comment" is, type what you would like to share with us and then you can simply click on anonymous and send.. We would truly love to hear from you. If you would like to share a thought or a idea on this blog.. email me and I will add it too.. please send pictures.

Saying Good-Bye.. I lost a friend this past week to cancer. Do I blog about it or not? This is the question on my mind tonight. My business partner Stacey's sister dyed of a brain tumor and I am pissed and sad. The fight against cancer is a tough won and she fought hard..

I often wonder if sharing in this format is appropriate or if maybe I should just leave it alone.. I think tonight just sharing that I along with hundreds of people are mourning the loss of Tanya is enough. My prayers are with her family and her three boys for their terrible loss.. as well as her siblings and parents who I know are grieving and will be grieving in the months to come, I will think of you often and keep you in my prayer.
Relay for Life 2006 Strathmore
Myself and Tanya

you will be sadly missed

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

High River Little Britches

The Stevens Caravan left Sunday afternoon for the High River little britches rodeo that took place on Monday. I pulled the holiday trailer and Jim with his new trailer and three horses took off in the wind to camp for the night prior to the parade and rodeo.

The kids participated in the parade with the Future cowgirl and cowboy Rodeo Asc. that they are in all winter. They won first price for there two wagons and participants on horse back. They all looked so nice in there red sponsored wrangler shirts.

Destiny rode her pony Razzle Dazzle in the goat untieing and then borrowed a horse for the barrels. Hayze of course rode Hot Rod "hotty for short". Hotty worked really well for Hayze. We just got to get Hayze to keep his elbows in and down... and he will be on his way.

All and all it was a fun weekend with friends and the kids had a blast. Long day for mom and dad.. but ... fun for the kids with there friends and horses and that is what it is all about for our family.

Venice Beach.

Click to make larger.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pacific Ocean

click on it to enlarge
I competed a layout. Our first day in California we went straight to the beach. None of our family had ever been to the ocean in California so before we even checked into our hotel we dipped our toes in. We got some fantastic shots on the beach of the kids playing, which ultimately ended up in full clothes change. they both fell in and had a blast.

this picture was taken at the Santa Monica beach.. (Made famous in the movie "Big") we also visited Venice beach that afternoon for awhile. I will share more pictures as I do layouts.. until then, google "Harry Perry". I earned 5 points locating him first while visiting Venice Beach..

( a little family game we played)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Making it Home

Well we made it home from our Disney Adventure and we really had a great time.

The Happiest place on earth, turned out to be just that. The kids and I were very sad to leave.this is the kids at the exit gate on Tuesday.... A little "put on" but not far from how we were all feeling.
This actually was our only hot sunny day that we had on our trip, which turned out to be great for walking around on pavement all day and for the sales of hoodies at the park. I prefer the cool weather so it was perfect. We spent 5 days on the park, 1 day at universal studio's, a day shopping and a day touring Hollywood, Beverly hills and rodeo drive. It was a great mix for a holiday
I have committed myself to complete a scrapbook just of the trip, I will share the pages as I complete them. If you know me at all, this will be a huge undertaking... to actually finish a complete book... wish me luck.
I will leave you with that for know. watch back for some more pictures.

Friday, May 2, 2008

no time a wasting

Well as the count down to our fabulous holiday continues.. I find my self very busy, just getting last minute stuff done.. I will start packing tomorrow closer to the completion of the laundry..
I got all the banking done today and enjoyed one of these.and then went for a crack... a little tune up for the holiday..

Jim's new horse trailer arrive yesterday and he was very smiley... It is a beautiful trailer and I know that he will be very happy with it.. It fits 4 horses and has a large tack room and a good size goose neck.tack door on both sides.
the kids are very excited about it too...

We will get to use it the weekend we get back from California.. High River little britches is on the holiday Monday...

Well that is really it for today.. I didn't get a chance to "organize" my organization project that I was going to share with you today... I will have to save that project for when I get home.

I think Destiny is going to try another new horse tonight.

good night

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I am back

I have been a bad blogger lately and unfortunily this morning is a bit of a rush so I just wanted to touch base and let you know that we are all fine and continue on with our active spring schedule.

We are counting down to Disney.. Just 4 more days .... and uncle Wendel has decided to come with us.

My computer has been so slow lately .... Internet tower problems or something, so I was unable to blog... I do have some ideas on a couple of good posts.. so keep watching for some organizational tips that I want to share... Amish bread is ready to be made again today.. Does anyone want me to send them a starter.. It is really really good...

I like to leave photos on my blog so I will leave you with this...

Mr. funny guy.. In our rental car in Vegas..