It is nice to know that I am missed. I have had a crazy life as of late and unmotivated to blog about anything.
I am hear to tell you, I am back.!!
Thanks for all the nice emails reminding me to keep blogging..
I have been quite busy with work projects.
We have developed new brochures, put together a coupon for local teachers, brought in a new color line, hired new staff, promoted current staff, running a pedicure contest and hocked up the internet at the shop. Now we are going to bring in a new line to try. "Kenra" should be on the shelves tomorrow.
Hope some of you can make it on Friday, would love to see you.
That is all I got tonight. oh.. just wait.. I embarrassed my son today in the mall.. (probably more than once) I got him to put a wig on and I took a picture on my camera phone. The lady came and said.. no no no... no pictures. the poor boy was mortified... Destiny and I kept trying wigs.. he walked away.. I laughed..
good night.