Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fun Country Riders Banquet.

Last Saturday we finished up the "Fun Country Riders" season with a banquet and dance.
It was a great event, with lots of raffle items, pot luck supper, awards and a DJ dance.
The kids had an excellent time and were a great help that night.

The Awards

Both kids did really well.
Destiny won High point for their division and Hayze won reserve.
Destiny received a bronze and Hayze a beautiful painted pony. both engraved with there personal information.
Destiny also won best in poles and barrels and Hayze won best versatility. ( other events)
They received framed pictures of themselves with the information on the photo for what they won. ( they are very nicely done)

Proud dad.

( Hayze was happy he had his Hawaii shirt on in the photo he received)

Destiny and her dad dancing

They kids had so much fun dancing, Hayze asking all the moms to dance. I think he felt more comfortable dancing with them than the younger girls.

Destiny danced with all the young kids and ran around having fun.

Hayze took on quite a big roll at the dance, he helped pull tables and chairs out when we needed extra, he help sell raffle tickets, he and Nicole sold 50/50. ( raising $105 dollars) then he was confident enough when the time come to draw to go on stage and talk to the DJ so that he and Nicole could draw the number. He spoke in the mic like a pro and even mentioned other things that were going on, selling cookbooks and raffle tickets.
The night was a huge success for the club and our family had a great time.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Give away and reuse

Picture from Art In Motion

A while back I had mentioned to my friend Tanya that I wanted to organize a swap. You know a place where my friends and I could bring 10 or so items to swap with other ladies. This could be anything from house hold decor to books to dishes, just something in good shape but that you don't use or need anymore. Well I haven't had the time to organize such an event, however, my dear daughter gave me an idea tonight. I have this nice picture in my office just sitting on my desk. It recently lost it's home when I redecorated my bedroom. The other thing I have in my office right now is 52 items for a raffle table for the kids banquet for the gymkhana club. Destiny said "mom why don't you donate this picture to the raffle table? Well I can't really do that seeing it is "used". But what I can do is "raffle it away" on my blog. So I am encouraging reusing/recycling, and I think it is to nice of picture to take it to the "take it or leave it". It is a real nice feminine piece that would go nice in a romantic, or french, or girls room. It caught my eye because it was so "classy".
Ok. If you would like this picture for your home, leave a comment on this post and I will make a draw for it next Wednesday Oct. 28.
If you are selected I will mail it out to you, I will contact you for your info if required.

to leave a comment, click on the word "comment" on the bottom

Karen's Wedding

The Staff from Bangles.

We we were all invited to attend Karen's Wedding on Sunday.
The wedding was in Rosebud at the theatre. It was a lovely ceremony.
Unfortunity not everyone was able to attend but 8 of us made it to share in her day.

Karen & Daniel

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Last weekend we spent in Kalispell Montana for the Thanksgiving weekend. I was a nice time for our family. We got to shop a lot and swim in the pool at the hotel as well as see the beautiful country side of Northern USA. Our kids have never drove through a boarder, poor things have only had the opportunity to go through customs at the airport. That started off our new experiences for the weekend and from there, we seen great country, glacier parks, moose in the back of pick ups, park rangers with hats like you see on t.v., different restaurants and the list goes on.
One of the weirdest things to me is, how does the accent change just 10 mins inside the boarder. We stopped to have a bathroom, (or should I say restroom) break and they all talked we an accent.

I didn't get a chance to take as many pictures as I wanted when we went. I drove the whole way there and my family isn't nearly as excited about picture taking as I am. Destiny did however afford me the luxury of a few one afternoon, while her brother sat in the truck and had no part of it, for then anyway. He did break down the next day for a few.
I will add them when I get a chance. Destiny and I are on our way out to dryland training for her hockey team. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It Is In The Eye

Its amazing to me how they are all so different.
Their eyes can tell a story, and I never really realized it until recently.
This particular horse is a bit of a wild spirit. After a recent storm she
became our best friend and had eyes a stressed and as scared as mine.
The other thing so amazing is that animal lovers and horse crazed people can tell a horse apart by their eyes. I spent a hour or so out taking pictures of the horses one day not telling anyone and when I started editing them, Destiny came right up and said, oh I like Brahma's eye.
Really, because I couldn't even remember which horse it was.


These were a couple of my favorite "eye" shots from that day.
I tried to make this one sepia, not nearly as effective with that blue eye.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Lefsa, is a tradition in our family. It is basically a potato tortilla, however we just put butter in it and eat it with our turkey. or it is the best with bacon in it in the morning but different Norwegians do different things.

This is the dough, made up of mashed potatoes, butter, cream and flour. ( room temp, before you add the flour)
Roll it out as thin as you can get it, I had to use a lot of flour so that it wouldn't stick.
That is my moms rolling pin.

Now, I don't have all the fancy lefsa making tools such as a lefsa griddle, flipper, or any other paraphernalia. I just used my electric frying pan and a regular flipper. That worked too..
This is only my second attempt at making lefsa, so I didn't think it warranted anything to fancy.
I must say, this is a two man job and at least 2 griddles. I was a little over excited and made a lot of potatoes, and only used half of my mashed potatoes for the lefsa, so we will be eating mashed potatoes all week.
It tasted great. It actually even looks like it should.
If you would like a recipe. Just let me know and I can try and help.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bringing Home the Hay

Well it is that time of year to get ready for the season ahead. The snowy rain came just two days after we got our bales home for the winter.
We had a lot of help for this evening of bale moving and it went very quickly.
I supplied the supper, the boys did all the work.

You can see the weather rolling in just behind Jim in this picture.

That is our friend Kody, Hayze and our nephew Gerrick. Gerrick loved watching the bales fall.
Awh, too wicked! Was the saying that got us giggling.
The boys were an excellent help.

Helping Uncle, Gerrick had a great time

The boys on the top of the stack, ready to go home.