Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday Traditions

Well Sunday Supper at our house is obviously not a big deal for our 9 year old.... who told his friends mom "we never have Sunday supper" I apparently haven't made it a big enough deal that we are home and have supper as a family. That is what we do, that is what we did as a kids and think it is a wonderful tradition.... And I think it is really important as a family to sit down together and have supper together... before we rush off to our weeks worth of activity. I must say I was a little sad that Hayze didn't understand that Sunday was our family time and he would have much rather went to his friends house.. simply just brushing us ( his family ) off.. Oh, how am I ever going to deal with the teenage years?
I thought i would take some pictures of the kids at the table enjoying their ice cream.. Just so I have the memories of this time in our story were supper was still something I could control.

note the kids eating with the ribbon from the current day of riding beside their plates.
Well I will have to continue to try and make memories with my kids.. Some of my favorites come from my Sunday nights with my family and watching Sunday night Disney.
You know, some of my kids best memories will probably come from things that I won't even remember doing or are what I think are not that significant..So we will just keep at it, and have fun as we journey together.

Please share with us some of your favorite memories as a child or traditions that you are caring on.


Anonymous said...

i ordered both eckhart tole books....we can self help together.


Anonymous said...

You survive the teenage years with a sense of humor and an ample amount of alcohol! Seriously, you keep making it up as you go along, just like when the kids are little. You go to bed at night praying you didn't mess up too badly that day and get up the next morning hoping you do things better than you did the day before. Just a little insight from someone who has one teenager already and will have two of them come September