Saturday, November 29, 2008


I got home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and I am doing well.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes, cards and gifts and phone calls.
A big thanks to my sister in law Maureen for all the care in the hospital. You made that experience so much better.. sorry about having to sleep on the cot. My Dad and Wendel came down as well. On Monday at the hospital I had my own body guards. Maureen, Wendel, Dad and Jim. It was great to have them all with me and even the OR nurse commented on how lucky I was to have such caring family.
Wendel went home Tuesday and Mo and Dad went this morning. I am going read and rest today. I am home alone for the day while Jim is running around with the kids. I can't go to far, just small walks around the house and then I am resting.. small steps every day.
I am currently sitting in the best thing I could think of to sit in while I was lying in bed so uncomfortable last night, my reclining lawn chair.! I got Jim to bring it in for me this morning before he left. I must say it feels pretty good... I can't do the stairs for a while.. so this is the next best thing to a recliner.

I'll be home for the next couple weeks, please call or come by and visit.

1 comment:

carolbcool said...

Hi Crystal, take care of yourself and get lots of rest, and lift nothing heeavier than a pencil.I'll keep you in my prayers...Carol