Wednesday, September 2, 2009


That is how many visits I have had to my blog in the last year.
Thank you everyone for stopping bye..( dots represent where you all have visited from)
It's funny that Sept 1 brings my blog counter on cluster maps to a new year.
With back to school/work, I too, feel like I have started a new year, now more than New years I want to put routines in place and get organized for another year.

I would also like to get my blog organized.
Let me know what you would like to see on my blog. I have always had a wide range of things on my blog, may it be scrapbooking, pictures, cooking, links to other blogs, family stuff..
Let me know what has caught your attention in the past and that you would like to see more of.

I have added the "follow this blog" on the side bar. If you are interested please sign in.

I love to read everyones comments, please click on "comment" and leave a note.

thanks for following our happens, have a great long weekend


Anonymous said...

Amazing how diverse and global your audience is. Make's you think how you must be linked to other peoples sites, and your blog is world wide. Really incredible.
It's cute that you can see Marlene's little dot up there all alone.

Anonymous said...

Love to see how many people tune in to Twink.
Michelle Stewart