We took the boat out yesterday, to lake Mcgregory for the day.. Well, morning really. It turned out quite cold and the kids were not all that excited about going in the water. Hayze tried knee boading about 6 times. Almost pulled himself up, he got tired from so much pulling and then Jayse tried. He pulled himself up after the second try.. Had to let go quite early thow because his little hands were freezing. We have decided that 30 above is nice boating weather.

Destiny going to bring us into shore.

We made the best of our cool day and stopped and had a campfire on our way out. It was a lot of fun. Hayze had picked out some lunchable for the kids and they had those little weiners in them. We found some really little twigs and the cooked them over the fire.. We had a lot of laughs over these little weiners.. Jim and I even grilled our ham and cheese sandwiches. It turned out to be a nice trip to the lake.
When we got home I got the kids to help weed the "family and friends garden". I had to pay them each 5 bucks... and tell them they could spend it on anything they wanted...It looks beautiful.. with 5 of us doing it.. I think they got over paid...
We went into walmart ... Hayze and Jayse saved there money and Destiny and Kadin bought gold fish... .18 cents each.. they still have money left over... Yes.!!! Fish.. they are in Distiny's room... Sparkle, Dazzle and little Ememe...(hayze named that one.)
got to use our Gazebo last night to eat supper. jim and I moved it onto our cement pad.. It was so nice to not have bugs and just sit and visit with Stacey and Jim for a little while.
This morning I woke up to the sound of metal rolling past my bedroom window.. Yes it didn't make the huge wind storm that blow through... I will see if we can fix it.. if not.. I guess I am not buying the new furniture that is on sale for outside.. I had it pickout to go inside the Gazebo... Oh well... Will have a look when Jim gets home.. I can't lift it myself.
Have a great day.