Monday, March 23, 2009

Nice to Know

It is nice to know that I am missed. I have had a crazy life as of late and unmotivated to blog about anything.
I am hear to tell you, I am back.!!
Thanks for all the nice emails reminding me to keep blogging..
Well this weekend found Hayze and I in Lloydminster with Hayze's hockey team. It was a nice weekend for the boys and girls to wind up the hockey season. The weekend in hockey wasn't as successful as the camaraderie but they did show the tier 1 division that they were there for a good fight.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

amazing body art

I got this photo off of oddee
this is a fun blog with odd stuff..

Monday, March 9, 2009

Big Sexy

We are planning an event at Bangles and would love for you to come.

I have been quite busy with work projects.

We have developed new brochures, put together a coupon for local teachers, brought in a new color line, hired new staff, promoted current staff, running a pedicure contest and hocked up the internet at the shop. Now we are going to bring in a new line to try. "Kenra" should be on the shelves tomorrow.

Hope some of you can make it on Friday, would love to see you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

what can I say

Since my last post not much has happened.. I have been racking my brains to find something, to share something that even seems remotely interesting.. I have come up with a couple but nothing to exciting.
  • My dad came to visit for 3 days
  • The kids auntie Marlene made the cutest aprons for the kids and sent cookbooks. ( picture to follow.)
  • Tanya started an investment groupy... thingy... and we all invested in a penny stock and ford tonight. ( look for updates, and send tips)
  • Kids both have play off games tomorrow, go Strathmore go!
  • Work is going amazing... the girls are all so fun.
  • New brochures should be ready next week.. .. finally..!!
  • Bangles got a new color line and a new facial line this week. How fun is that?

That is all I got tonight. oh.. just wait.. I embarrassed my son today in the mall.. (probably more than once) I got him to put a wig on and I took a picture on my camera phone. The lady came and said.. no no no... no pictures. the poor boy was mortified... Destiny and I kept trying wigs.. he walked away.. I laughed..

good night.