Well my stacks of books are more onamental than anything these days. I had a goal of the end of Feb. for figuring out what I was going to do with them or if I was actually going to read them. I think they look really good were they are and Iam not going to get stressed about it. (I haven't even finished a book since Feb)
to quote an old friend that sent me an email when she saw my list
"My philosophy on reading is a little different, after going through my own "self help reading phase" my last one was the Surrendered Wife after it was featured on Oprah. I decided this was B/S and trashed almost all of them, and focus just on establishing life balance and keeping things simple. My goal was to take time for myself and read for enjoyment, hang with my good friends, and continue to build my relationship with Darin (my husband). But my reading time in itself is time for reflection, growth and escape."
I think that is great advice and I hope to start "escaping" a little more.
Have a great day.
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