You know, I realized today that we really probably have to much... Food that is.. I have been thinking for a week that I have to go grocery shopping to fill up the fridge and pantry. I think that Jim and I are used to having a fridge bursting at the seems and a pantry that you really can't find anything in. So.. with all of this said I must add that I am not a person that goes to the grocery store that often. Not a weekly shopper or stop at the store on the way home from work to pick up milk.. I let a list accumulate on my fridge for a couple of weeks and then go get it all. I like to take my time and walk up and down every isle and look at stuff.. bye myself !which very seldom happens) .. Now if I am not going to fill up my pantry but going for the bare essentials, I stick to the outside isles and shop for the fresh stuff... ( I do this most of the time unless I need cleaning supplies and lunch stacks ) this keeps me on task and my kids can handle the length of time it takes..... Anyway back to the fact that we have enough for a week......
So Friday, I invited Greg and Twylla over for Twylla's birthday supper.. Jim had already commented on needing groceries. I made a beautiful supper of roast beef, gravy, potatoes, peas and carrots, salad, asparagus and I did get Jim to pic up a Dairy Queen cake.
So I felt pretty proud of myself for putting together a nice supper " and not having any food" So as the weekend progresses I still haven't made it to the grocery store yet. (again, not my favorite place) I mowed lawn a bit and worked around the house a bit. Made lunch of Mushroom soup and tuna sandwiches and watermelon... and for supper pork chops with shaken and bake, salad, potatoes, carrots and peas and all the sides... sour cream, bacon bits, etc... A very nice Sunday supper. I even made dessert.
Before I share my dessert with you... I wanted to let you know that I was very inspired today by this web site. The Pioneer Woman. She talks about being more organized in the country because we don't have luxury of going to the store in 2 minutes. I believe over time that I have just become more aware of this and have done it in some ways already. Apparently, after pulling my two major meals with all the food groups included I can manage for a couple of days without a C0-op down the road... Any way I think you should check out the "pioneer woman" site. She is quite funny and shares some good ideas....
Now on to my dessert, to prove a point ( to myself mostly) I scrounged the freezer in search for something special for Sunday supper.. this is what I came up with.. 
Some frozen blueberries thawed. I kept the juice to make a sauce.
On the stove I used the juice of the berries, added some lemon juice, sugar and water with corn starch and boiled it. Then I put the blueberries back in the sauce and cooled.. The color was light like this until I added the berries back in then the color was nice and rich again. (corn starch lightened it)then I baked these little flaky delights ( Tender Flake with the centers that come out)
and I came up with these for dessert..
Destiny said... the best dessert ever... All without having any groceries in the house. I think I even out did myself and was more creative than I would normally be because I had to think about it.It was a eye opening experience and I think I will take inventory of the "on hand" more regularly before filling my cart with what I think I need.
have a good night
i was just commenting to Jason this weekend at how i appreciate (actually i said jelous at first, but who am i kiding? i am not jelous of anyone who can cook as i do not want to ever have to know how...but i do appreciate it...and so does my belly)anyway it amazed me how he could look into the fridge and see different that i. i saw "we have nothing to eat".....
he saw french toast from a large loaf bun we bought at the store last week, some bacon he found in the freezer, scambled eggs, and to top the french toast some blackberries that he did something with to make them saucy and tangy!!
my man is amazing in the kitchen!!
so much so after he took me to a very expensive resturant for my birthday date (RIVER CAFE..on princess island) i mentioned that i appreciate more a meal he cooks for me than paying so much for someone else to do it.
have a good night! off to read "new moon" this one is going slower for me!
Hey there girl! Seems like things are well with you and your family. The move went ok, some broken items that will be hard to replace, but ok just the same. Just wanted to say hi and I enjoy your blog. I honestly don't know how you do it! You go girl!
Take care,
I too had nothing in the house to use last night. The kids are sick of steak and hamburger and really, what else is there??? lol So I had to be creative last night as well. I brought out some frozen burritos, 1 package of taco mix, 1 can of kidney beans, 1 can of tomato sauce, 1 can of nacho cheese soup (I have no idea why I even have that in my cupboard!)and grated cheese. I put the burritos in a 9x12 pan and made a yummy "made up from my head" sauce for them. I mixed the beans, sauces, soup, water and cheese and let them simmer for a bit. I poured it over the frozen burritos and put in the oven to bake for about 30 minutes. For the last 5 minutes I crunched some nacho chips over it all and topped with lots of shredded cheese! When it all melted I took it out. I made a side dish of rice and we added salsa on the side. It was a huge hit! I was so proud of myself as I don't usually do well if there isn't much in the house. I do however, need to go grocery shopping today. We are out of milk and fresh fruit. 2 must haves in our house! lol
You really do inspire me Martha... Ooops I mean Twink!
I don't like cooking/ baking at all but my family would starve if I didn't.
Ok so I know I have food in my freezer.... so I am going to go and hurdle the mountain of laundry to go and find what I can create thanks for the tips! I might even throw a load of laundry in too!
What else is there to do in this rainy weather!
Ummmm DELISH!! They look so yummy. Kudos for making them and kudos for the great pictures :)
Hmmmm....and you told me once several years ago that you aren't domestic! How are you enjoying "Kite Runner"? By some coincidence I'm reading it also. Someone Lincoln works with loaned it to me. I may have to go and buy it. Powerful story. I'm still waiting on the third installment of the Edward and Bella tale from the library. Right now I have to hit the less entertaining books. Final exam on Thursday. Hamburger for supper tonight. No dessert. The kids may want to come and live with you.....
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