(that's still up for debate as well)
The newest member of our extended family

Our little Lilly had a great time playing with her.. She was smart enough to get into small spots so that Maggie couldn't fit in..It was really cute to watch the two puppies play.

I think that they both had a great time at the 75th birthday as well.
here is my experience with "extended family dogs"
1. personally i do NOT find that breed of dog cute in any way. my sister has two of them. her husband refusses to come unless they are aloud to come. they cause havick in my house and we have only had them come with one. cannot imagine two!
2.my inlaws vs our children vs the brothers dogs: A) the brothers say "well tanya and jason bring their kids.....these are our kids"
B)my inlaws rarely to never have our children...but they let chads dogs move in with them...and on their digital photo frame you will see NO pictures of our kids....it is a running slide show of the 2 dogs.
So it does seem the tables have turned. no longer is a dog just a pet to have around outside....a dog is now an important member of the family, so get used to explaining why your neice is so pale, short, and full of fur!
Jasmine and I think Maggie and Lilly are equally adorable. But we're suckers for animals! We guess you could call her your niece but how would your human neices feel about that? But then again, Maggie probably thinks she's human anyway.
Okay, FIRST OF ALL, Maggie is the cutest thing I have ever seen, (thanks twink and tanya). Second of all, Maggie is not just a dog.. she is now the newest member of the Heron family. She has a bigger attitude than I do, and I think that deserves something. I LOVE the pictures you have posted, I just recenty got some new ones of her that are adorable. Thanks for blogging about my little sister, Maggie May Heron.
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