Well I can't believe it is here already. The first day under our belts. Destiny had a lot to share with me today when I got home... Hayze not so much.. Likes his teacher, happy over all, but not much to share.

Yesterday before the big day we took the kids to the city for some last minut items.. this is what it looked like.

This was the product of choice for both my kids for back to school.
Zwipes is a neat way for the kids to be able to doodle and not wreck their binders. The website is great to. They have templates that you can print to use with the zwipe pens ... tic tac toe, hangman... etc.
have a look The Shoe of choice for both my kids was
puma this is Hayzes new pair. The are so much better that the skateboarder type that was what he wanted last year.

The best thing happened yesterday before we left for school shopping, we took some stuff to the take it or leave it.(a place at the recycling were you do just that, take something, or leave something)... I stumbled on to a box of "mac tac" from the 60's or 70's... I grabbed one roll that was pink and orange and brown.. you know the groovy stuff I am talking about.. Well once I got into the truck, I must admit I kind of wondered what I was going to do with it, I wasn't about to line my cupboards with it but I did love the design of it and I know I would get inspired... Then Destiny got a pink pencil box.. and I thought... Just the thing, I will use my
Cricut to cut out labels with this mac tac and I will have a sticky backed label. It worked like a charm and I didn't have to buy the expensive "cricut" acrylic paper.. (p.s.. I asked her if she showed her friends her cool new labels and she said "no, that would be bragging")
The Cricut

Well what is a shopping trip to Calgary without a little something for me.. I got this new 10" frying pan with poacher from
Williams-Sonoma. I cooked in it tonight. I think I am going to love it. It is so nice to have something new to cook with. My current set is going on 20 years and starting to stick a bit. I am sure this will be put to good use.

And so to start the school morning off right I thought I would make "lazy cinnamon rolls" like my mom made.. easy enough
recipe. I just can't seem to get it right.. I put them in the oven prior to bed... When I woke up with hayze a 4am I thought I would check if they were rising.. Well, I had to remove three from hanging off the side of the pan, then this morning when they were cooking, they over flowed and the house was filled with smoke at 6 am. Scaring the crap out of Jim.. They actually turned out and tasted ok.. (small tip, do not use 24 rolls in this pan)
still didn't tasted as good as my mom's but ok..
They looked like this.. minus the flower.
Well, that is the Back to School Update.. Hope to share camping photos soon.
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