Friday, October 31, 2008

Copied Challenge

Good Morning everyone. Well I have to do some work this morning but fortunately my accounting program needed an update and I had time to do some blog reading while it is working away on the laptop.. ( I am on our family computer)

Any way, I was looking at this blog that I found after looking at Amy's blog.. (you can click on the side to see hers)I seen a simple challenge that she had been invited to do.. So I thought I would try it.. She was asked to go to her picture files, Click on the 4Th file, opened and click on the 4Th picture I was a little nervous, I have a ton of crappy pictures on my computer that, one day I will take the time to sort out.
But today... I got "cute"
Destiny's Grade two indoor shoes. Such a big reminder of how my kids are growing.


We attended Sacred Heart Academy Halloween Dance last night. The kids loved running around and dancing with all there school buddies. It was from 6-8 and we arrived at 7pm .. how perfect was that. Getting ready sometimes is half the fun, and a hour with all that screaming is enough . Stacey and I worked until 6pm last night so Jim brought all of our kids to Bangles after hockey practise and they all got ready there and then we ordered take out and left to the dance from the shop.

Getting Ready

Captain "James Sparrow"
Some Rapper.. dude.!

This is the best type of costume for Hayze. He hates dressing up and is totally uncomfortable with it and with in minutes the costume is off.. Even last year, he was a "Burnco employee" and the hard helmet and coveralls were off with in minutes of arriving at the dance because he wasn't comfortable with how he looked.

Dad and his kids.. He is so proud.

"Bella".. Well my little Vampire anyway..

I had to get the shadow. isn't this a great punk outfit..

Kadin and Jayse were both Cards.
Leaving for school this morning.
we did it all over again..

And we will do it again when they get off the bus tonight, back into town to trick or treat and then to some friends places.


Anonymous said...

Well, that was sure is fun for all of us getting dressed up together. What a good looking group of people,if I must say so.We are all looking forward in doing this all over again tonight.


TANYA said...

thanks for the night and taking my boy to Brendas as i stayed home and had one too many glasses of wine...that Shawn kept pouring for me!!! that is WEIRD!!!


amy w. said...

I LOVE your husband's costume!