Well I celebrated Destiny's birthday with a party on Friday. The kids were off school and we decided to invite her friends for 4 hours of "High School Musical" fun. My friends all asked me if I was crazy having a 4 hour party, but it went so fast. Stacey stayed to help me and it was great.
This was my fist attempt at using marshmallow fondant, well fondant of any kind really.
I think it turned out ok. My cake is a bit lacking in originality but the "HSM" theme is there.
If you would like to try your own fondant I got the recipe here
I had printed out the words to two of Destiny's favorite HSM songs and set the music so that we could have a dance/sing off.. Girls against the boys.. It was amazing. I wished I had my video ready. The boys had an amazing routine, the girls sang there hearts out.. it was great.
Saturday Night
we got together with some friends. 9 of us went to
this restaurant

This is a picture of the desert that we got. Brad took this shot on his phone.
I wish that I could describe how good it was.. just nummy will have to do until you can experience it yourself.. If you go, call me.. I will go again.
Thanks Mr. Rycroft for the suggestion, I will put it on my list of fav's..
Are you lost?
Are you lost?
The kids and I were on our way to hockey and I noticed this moose on the other side of the hi way from our farm. We stopped to watch it for awhile and when we left we phoned Jim at home and told him that a moose was on it's way to our house and we could already see the horses going a bit crazy.. Jim said the moose went the entire perimeter of our land and then went west.. What a funny site out on the prairie.
I love all the pictures and it looks like Destiny's birthday was a lot of fun..love the cake...and what a beautiful girl she is...love ...Carol
I saw this one in the Strathmore Standard this week too! What a great shot!
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