Friday, July 3, 2009

I have a new love(s)

Well remember the new cupcake recipe I tried a couple posts back,  that was a recipe I got off a recipe  card that I got from Target when I was visiting Phoenix.  When I was unpacking  and found the recipe card, it was from Martha's new book so  I had to make it.  Of course I loved them, ( even if Cheryl found them "dry".) The icing was truly sinful and I can't wait to make some more cupcakes form my new book that I bought today at Costco.  

Martha's New Book 
New love #1

New love #2
It is so simple and lovely.

This is the phone I had before Tuesday,
The Blackberry Storm.
It is awful,  don't waste your money or your time.
It wouldn't sinc with my mac, it was hard to type and the screen jump from up to sideways regularly.  

But I do love my new Curve in Red

1 comment:

Cheryl Stehr said...

You are too funny! Looking forward to the new & exciting ways to perfect a cupcake. Luv a cupcake...luv a cupcake! Especially since they only have seven calories! If you bring some for the fishing trip I'm sure we can help with the taste-testing!