Thursday, August 30, 2007

I wana be a Cowgirl

Well as the summer is drawing to a close Rodeo is going full force. 2 weeks ago at the little britches rodeo Destiny kicked some but and won 3 halters, 2 t-shirts, a ball cap, a metal plus after winning the barrel race, pull bending, key hole and goat scramble she ended up winning "all around cowgirl" for all ages and took home $175 dollars and a saddle pad. I am not sure who was prouder.. Her or her dad. Hayze has been doing quite well too. He is a little more cautious but has a nice style. He will be in the same age category this weekend as his sister.. I am not sure how that will go.. He just bought himself a new horse and he is currently out riding it as I type. The kids are getting good at going out and catching their own horses and getting more independent. This is good news considering the Winter series starts at the end of Sept.

Here is Destiny in the practice pen last night.

We are off to Patricia little Britches rodeo this weekend and we are going to make a weekend out of it. We are taking our holiday trailer with us and Stacey and her kids and Karla and her family are going to be with us. It should be fun.!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Destiny.You are doing great on your horse and Ilove your new purple pj's. You are growing alot too. The pink dress is nice and you are very pretty in the picture. It's a great family picture.

Anonymous said...

What a great picture of Jim and Destiny !! Gorgeous !!

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