If I remember to bring them in to the store.

My eco bags are my new favorite things.
Not because I can fit $135.oo worth of groceries into 3 bags.. (darn price of groceries) but because I can fit $135.00 worth of groceries in 3. (less trips to the truck to bring them in).
Not to mention what I am doing for the environment... Still working on my recycling plan.
Try them if you haven't, you'll love them.
I have three of these and always manage to leave them at home, so as soon as you find a way to remember to actually take them to the grocery store with you, share it with me!
i am a big fan of the costco reusable bags. they are big, come in a pack of 2 with an added bonus of an insulated bag for your frozen items.
we put our bags close to our entry way. we do still forget them sometimes. i guess if we put the bags back into the vehicle after we put the groceries away, it may help.
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