Monday, September 1, 2008

A couple of Things on My Mind

Well, today is a holiday and I am alone in my own peace. My family have all gone back to Cochrane for the second day of the rodeo. It was a rainy muddy day yesterday. Jim did well and is back today to team up with the pro's in the Pro-Am competition. I wished him luck and sent them out the door.. I am still cold from yesterday.

So While I was cleaning up breakfast dishes I had a couple of things on my mind.
1st. How much I love my new knife that I got last weekend. It is really sharp ( have cut myself twice) it has a little cap, and it comes in a variety of colors. It is just a little pairing knife but I love it.. I have literally used it on everything this week and it even cuts buns with out a problem.

I bought the Green.

The 2nd thing I was thinking about was recycling. I am a terrible recycler. There I said it out loud.. I AM A TERRIBLE RECYCLER. Please don't think any less of me, but I can't be bothered or I don't have it set up right or something. I have good intentions and then it all falls by the way side. I have three container, plus a bag for the bottles. I start separating and it takes to much room and it is spewing out onto the cupboards and it all ends up in the garbage. Funny story about what has brought me to this train of thought is a recent conversation with a friend that is getting married. She said " The only thing that I am really nervous about for this wedding and moving in together is to tell him that I am not a recycler" I giggled.. Of all life's secrets that is the only thing she has not told him and is scared to share... Funny how our way of life has changed so much in the past 50 years that we go from our concerns being celibacy to recycling as our main "priority" as we tie the knot.

Love to hear how you make it work, if you recycle or not and your thougts on my friends concerns before she gets hitched.

Please Do the Poll on the Right Side


Anonymous said...

First off, I'm glad you do my brother's laundry! Or does he have to do it when he looks like that? As for the recycling, we have a blue box in the kitchen under the island and it's the kids job to sort it into bags and take it to the garage. Two problems, they don't touch the box until the contents are spilling all over the floor and they still have to be told to do it! Second, the stuff in the garage usually isn't taken to the recycling depot until it becomes a challenge to find enough room in there to park the car! So, who's worse, the kids or the parents?? Jury still out on this. As for your friend's dilemma, at least she's not a closet axe murderer, and hubby can do the recycling.

Anonymous said...

Hi Crystal;

Well Sista, I am right beside you with the NOT recycling. I have every good intention to do it and then I get frustrated and end up chucking everything out because I can't stand the mess. I have a seperate bin for cans and that is about it.

I think if we had the sidewalk bin service like they do in the city, I would be more inclined to recycle. But then reality sets in as to where I live and I throw garbage bags into the back of the truck and head for the dump every weekend.

By the way, I love your blog. I am glad you sent me the link to it again because my computer crashed at work and I lost everything.

I just purchased a new DELL laptop yesterday (it's pink!!) and should have it in the next 2 weeks, so I will finally have access at home again - as opposed to work.

Did you guys have a nice long weekend? Mine was spent at home cleaning, emptying my swimming pool and winterizing the trailer. I have new eaves troughs to get up on the south side of the house, but that chore didn't get completed.

Anyway - tell your friend she's not alone on recycling. WE all know deep down that eventually (sooner than later) we are going to have to 100% commit to it - as we are destroying the world for our children.

Take Care

Love Connie A