Sunday, November 23, 2008

loved it..!!

16 of us went on Friday night to the long awaited "twilight" movie.

I really enjoyed it. Out of our group only two had not read the book and one said that she did fall in love with Edward. We were so thrilled after seeing the movie we were all a bunch of giggly school girls.. Not to say that there wasn't a couple of "cheesy" parts that your imagination from reading the book was way better.. (the glitter)
Over all the group loved it.. and listening to all the love crazed teenagers giggling and screaming seemed to and to our stories at the end of the night. I do feel that I need to watch it again, in a more quite setting to appreciated it in a more personal way..heheh..
over all 8 out of 10..

I go in tomorrow to the PlH hospital in Calgary for my Surgery.. so I will be taking a little blogging break. Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you today! I hope you're feeling better and up and about again soon. Karen C.

Trisha said...

Your blog looks great!
I too enjoyed the movie and the night out with the girls (even the teenaged ones!) I was happy to read your review...did you read why Amy had to say?! What are we gonna do with that girl? Ha!

amy w. said...

Don't worry, I still think you're great! :D
