I am very lucky that my hobby is my pictures and computer. It feels good to do a few things today. I am going up date you on some of my pictures from the last two weeks.

Maureen and Stacey were sweet hearts the other night and washed little lilly for me so that she could spend more time with me on our bed.. she doesn't like her bath at all.. Look at Mo, I don't think she likes lillies bath either.

Stacey visited both Monday and Tuesday, both days bringing stuff to do.
Monday she brought two double batches of cookie dough for us to make cookies.
Ginger bread cookies, and sugar cookies.
Ginger Bread Cookies
I helped roll balls.
A little tip: When the cookies come out they look like this.. tap the pan firmly to get the air out. This will make your cookies stay nice and chewy.Did you know that there is a difference between "ginger bread" and "ginger snaps"? I didn't understand the difference until Stacey explained that ginger snaps are the hard ones, the stuff you would make the houses of. These were ginger bread and nice and chewy.. so great.

Sugar Cookies

Cut the dough into Christmas shapes.

We froze these. We will decorate them before Christmas..I got sore before we finished.. Will share the completed cookies when we finish.
1 comment:
cookies look good.
was just thinking of you and realized it was 10:17 pm and didn't want to call so late.
hope you are doing well.
i have hayze's bag i guess. sorry about that. he has a great excuse why no homework was done!
i will talk to you tomorrow. jason and i hope to get some xmas shopping done before we have to take the kids to thier play.
love ya,
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