Well here is a little update from day 4. As you can tell day 3 was a bit of a write off. We stayed by the pool and had a great time.
We stayed by the pool all day and then went to Gila river casino and watched Lonestar.
It was a great concert, I had a fabulous time. I know the girls did too.
This is a great place to watch a concert, small intimate place. I could share tons of pictures put I will just hi lite a few here.

now prior to the concert beginning I went to get the 3 of us a drinks. The bar wasn't busy, just me and a guy beside me getting a shot of whiskey with a beer chaser. Normal enough I guess. Smiled politely and ordered my drinks, then the bar tender said that I was only allwoed to carry 2 drinks back to my chair. I turned to this "guy" and asked, hey, where are you sitting? Can you carry this drink for me... ??? He kind of motions to the stage and says, ""um I'm not sitting.". and walks away. I say to the bar tender, is that guy in the band? he says ya he is.. I said.. Oh I am an ass... anyway... I look around for someone to help me carry my drinks and he is walking back, says sorry and I express what an ass I am and say thanks anyway. I tell the bartender, I'll take my chances with my 3 drinks and walk to our seats. We had a good giggle and enjoyed the show.

Funny thing is, he
recognized me during the show and smiled at us... ( smart ass grin, as if to say ... told ya) But came out after to take a picture with me, and said "any other time I would have carried your drink) how fun is that.

little trivia for ya,
Lonestar's lead singer is not the original. Didn't know that tell tonight when I was looking at there site. He sounded familiar to me.. I think the switch was in 2007.

Pictures we took outside the casino, after the concert.

Another great day in the dessert
Oh, that is so funny-made me laugh. I thought I"m the only one that sticks my foot in my mouth like that. I love that you would ask him to carry a drink regardless of "who" he was.
Love it.
Hope ya'll are having a great time.
I am still laughing about that. Your look on your face was priceless.
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