Well tonight I have a couple things I need to update and share with you.
1. I have been meaning to share this with you for a couple of months now. You know when someone shows you somethings so simple that works, you really just want to say "I know" but you can't because you are thinking in the back of your mind, "why didn't I think of that" Well this is one of those times. I was filling up my bug "juice" as I call it, when my husband so graciously steps in to help... actually just to tell me I am doing it wrong... and explains to me that if you pour the fluid out of the jug on it's side it pours out smooth and you don't get any of that glug, glug, splatter. You know what ... He was RIGHT. it works amazing. Try it next time. you will love me for this tip.
Pouring like this makes sense!

The kids and I are doing a photo scavenger hunt put on by this
website. It has been so fun. I may share some of our photos as we a getting close to the wire.
We have until July 31 to complete it.

The kids and I made these Jello Jigglers the other night.
We needed red and blue Jello for our scavenger hunt and I seen the recipe on "My Crazy Life" blog so I thought how perfect. We cut them in to Maple Leafs and we have the perfect patriotic snack for a warm summers day.

What is a Campfire Pie?
Well let me tell you, it is the most scrumptious thing on the camping trail.
You need this iron that you see in the photo. You can pick them up at home hardware, Canadian Tire or any where else you buy your camping supplies.
The the rest is simple. Butter two pieces of bread, butter side out as you would a grill cheese and fill the inside with pie filling, jam and peanut butter, or anything else you can think of.
We also did, Campfire pizza's. They were amazing. You just pile in all the pizza fixings, cheese, sauce, pepperoni, mushrooms....... and then you place the iron right in the fire or on the hot coals and let it cook. Such a fun and tasty treat.

i love the bike picture.
lets use it as a prop for the photo shoot of ourselves.
Gotta get me one of those irons for the campfire pies! I love your new bike. I've been wanting one like that for a long time myself. Have fun on it!
Oh yeah...and the pouring tip Jim showed you - genius! I hate that glug, glug, splatter mess!
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