Well, do you remember this Party? We hung Destiny's name on the drive way gate sign and everyone let balloons go. We call it our family and friends party.It was two years ago already (in June)
It was such a great time and we have such fond memories of the time with all of our family and friends..
Just to refresh your memory, we asked everyone to bring a perenial flower rather than a gift for Destiny. Here is some pictures of the flowers from that summer.
Well this year the flower garden had produced quite nicely considering our weather. I wanted to share this mornings bouquet. I encourage you to celebrate in this way at some point in time. What a wonderful way to remember people, picking flowers!. Now this bouquet is not perfect nor do all the colors match, but isn't that who we are as people, and each one of those blooms is from someone different.

1 comment:
Hi Twink I do remember this party, it was such a good time! Thankyou for including us in your circle of friends! The flowers are beautiful and bringing perennials instead of gifts was such a great idea!!
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