Feb. 14 2007 marks 2 years since our little Destiny came to live with us.
I seems that she has been in our lives forever yet, funny that I can say that the two years have flown by. It has been a huge adjustment for all of us and as a family can't imagine anything different than what we know right now.
Just the other day she asked " are we going to put my name on the sign on the gate?"
I had to choke back the lump in my throat. It was my plan that when her final papers arived that we would have a "adoption party" for her and do that very thing. That came and went with no todo because the papers just arrived in the mail in August of 2005 without warning.
No court appearances, no visits from addoption workers, nothing. (Was still a very great day in or hearts)
Now as life progresses and we continue on our busy paths her party and the sign have been forgot about ... until last week.
So now I'm proposing that we have a party.. This spring. We need to add our little girl to our family sign ... and to commemerate this I want us all to let a balloon go .. and celebrate our family.
I will let everyone know of the date and I hope that you all will come, help us celebrate a (long awaited) family union that has filled our lives.
knowing what goes on in life i can see how time went by. I shed a few tears over your story and it is so good this worked out for you guys .Crystal you are a little girls dream and think her dream has come true.
Time is a very precious thing. Everyday slips by a little faster. This is why we must treasure everyday as it comes and goes, and especially treasure those special people we share our lives with. You do have a wonderful family and truly are yourself a wonderfuly person. God Bless.
We've been thinking about the sign since Destiny came into our lives and her name is very important to be displayed there. After reading the words you used to describe the feelings you have for her and your family there was a few tears dropped not only from me but Stan phoned and said he got sentimental as well. Loved that you also adored your business partner which is so important for any business to suceed. Of course both of you girls are real dolls. Love to all of you
I remember the excitement and anticipation eveyone felt, waiting for Destiny to join your family. I felt honored and priveledged to assist in building her new bedroom in your previous home, while you were getting ready for her arrival. It amazes me everytime I see her, how much she's grown into this beautiful, well rounded and polite little gem. You and Jim should be very proud because she has learned all of this from the both of you in a very short time. I am excited to know the beautiful young lady she will be in the future. Thinking of you.... xoxo Connie
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