Our kids both did really great. This is Destiny's first year in ball and she did surprisingly awesome. aware of positions and very interested.
We acsesorized with pink last night for the benefit of "coach Jason" who asked her to tuck her hair in her hat so they didn't know he had a girl on his team.!!
Hayze was the only boy on the team with a "can" on so he played back catcher for the game. Like a pro I might add..
He also conected a nice one the last inning of the game and got a home run.
It was a very fun night..
LOVE, LOVE ,LOVE the pink accessories. So cute!! She looks like she loves it! :)
testing comments
Way to go Destiny and Hayze. the baseball looks like fun. I like the pink helmet. On the flowers Crystal, I have some flower beds that are growing like crazy. I like perennials, they are easy to do.
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