Well as some of you know I get the opportunity to work with clients and the spa staff on Wednesday every week. On those days you can always count on some great conversations, topics ranging from kids, hockey, movies, life's worries and a lot of just fun, silly stuff.. Well yesterday was no different. Some parents of teenagers my have heard some of the new saying that the kids are using...apparently "like" has made it's way back into mainstream vocabulary and a couple of other great ones... The one we have been talking about is the use of "RANDOM". You look so "random", that dance was so "random"... not really to sure how that all fits in but it is the new word.... so... Tanya and Karli thought that they would start there own word... "saber tooth".. yes..saber tooth.. they are waiting for it to catch... you look so "saber" today.. you are the "toothiest" of all " sabers"... Well you get the idea.. We had a lot of laughs over this..
Which brought us to our next conversation about computer jargon... You know all the abbreviated phrases everyone uses.. I actually am a hater of the cutesy little :) ;) (:") (wow, that was a lot of work to figure those out..) I don't text that much and maybe that is why I don't like the whole lol, omg... stuff either..

I say this to the clients and the staff yesterday, only to figure out that I have my own way of "laughing out loud" when I am typing.. HE,HE Te he, ha, ha... and my clients favorite was just HA!!!!.
Our conversations are always fun and assorted... yesterday's brought up a lot of comments and questions about texting and actually socializing with your friends.. A sign of the times the mom of two teenager assured me.. Still not to sure if that makes it OK...
I am feeling a bit of a generation gap as I write this.. simply in my thoughts that it is still OK just to pick up the phone and really just "laugh our loud"
Have a great day.
WAY..........(WHAT ABOUT YOU?)
NO "WAY"....."WAY"!!!
TTFN.........(TA-TA FOR NOW)
I personally think that texting is the greatest thing that has ever happened to society. I am a huge hater of technology (as im writing this from my laptop...hypocrite, i know. I believe that technology is going to run the world to the ground one of these days, and it will end up being a big ball of nothing, having to start over and not have anything like "the good old days". However, texting is amazing. Its a way to communicate, by having little conversations with people and not have the akwardness of making a 2 second phone call, to ask what your friend is up to..and so on. I also agree and understand how people may think its bad. People get broken up with or fight over text, becuase they just cant do it face to face. Thats just what i have to say.. keep blogging aunty twinky.
love yah.
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