What a fantastic day
Hayze and I had together at the.........

Stacey and
Kadin picked us put at 6:30 this morning for a day at the Olympic Oval in Calgary.
Cassie Campbell put on a street hockey festival for all age levels of Hockey..
Hayze and his buddies were the "
Strathmore Road
Look at the action.....

Group photos were
taken of all teams and then sold for the charity.

Exciting moment for me, I think more than
Hayze.. however he looks pretty happy..
Cassie was really nice and very approachable. She talked to us all and was very casual.
I even got my picture with her.. She didn't sign my shirt.. (she offered, jokingly)
Hayze also go MIKE BOOSEY to sign his shirt... I never got a picture.. a little late.

the boys...

The boys met under a tent and were educated a little about Ronald
McDonalds House and given "loot bags".. they received a tone of free stuff..

Happened upon Ronald himself as he was arriving..

the boys all played really well and won there division in the morning taking them to the gold medal round.
Hayze was in goal for this game and played really well.. the final score of this nail biter was 4-3 for us.. Winning the Gold for the novice division.

receiving their medals.. Don Cherry ( look alike) interviewed for coaches corner.. was fantastic.

a priceless picture of the gold medals, and Casie Campbell .... So very proud of the team.
and this little man....
JUST CHECKING IN........glad to see you had a great day! congratulations boys!!
you should have got your jersy signed Twinkle!!
good night from Tanya
Congratulations Hayze !!
Looks like fun was had by all.
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