Well today was Destiny's day.. I must have taken a hundred pictures of her and her "stuff" today. I am feeling sad for her today so we made it her day (with out telling her of course). We "spring" cleaned her room and moved all the furniture around. She tried on all of her clothes for spring and summer and we organized her drawers. Just when we finished that, Jim wanted to leave to go do chores at Twylla's.. Hayze was at a birthday party and Destiny went with Jim to do chores so I was free to purge at my own will.. I got one full garbage bag of garbage, one full for good will and another bag for the "take it or leave it". Now that felt good. Our children's rooms are not that big.. How does that happen that I could get rid so much stuff. her are some pictures of the completed project. It took me 4 hours to do... by the time the curtains were washed and hung and floor washed by hand on my knees. Yes it is clean.!
new butterfly sheets
Table Tanya painted in 05
Idea from Amy .....................clean bulletin boardWell as you can see Destiny little room came together quite nicely. The butterfly theme has become the obvious. It works very well now that everything is clutter free. Never really seen the top of the table Tanya painted..
Destiny loves her new room too... When she came home and seen it she was overcome with excitement.. (silliness really) She spent sometime in her room while I prepared Sunday supper. When we sat down to eat.. this is what she wanted to share.

She read " Little one was a very good horse, she had many friends like Hot rod, streamer, and raz until this very day. She died today and we will never forget her."
Well she had all of us in tears. I was very glad to see her emotions and we hugged and she had a little cry at the dinner table. Our little girl finally showed emotion...
Well that really sums up our day. Tomorrow I hope to get more of the same done... Hopefully on a quicker time schedule.
good evening.
twink. the song. mar likey. made me laugh out loud. well, actually, it made me "laugh with you". love you boss.
sorry to hear about your horse! that is a big thing for destiny to deal with.
enjoyed the song........actually bought the sound track for myself tonight!!
see you at work
Love the music! And Destiny's room looks great.
I'm very proud of D for drawing the picture and writing the story on her own, and then sharing it with the family.
Uncle W.
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