I want to say thanks to Tanya for the "juno" sound track.. how great it that.? I think we found our new campfire songs.. no promises but I bet I can teach myself the chords on my guitar.. Can't wait!!!!!!!! You maybe listen to a song of it now if you have your volume turned up.. funny stuff.
One last thing... I might have told you how obsessed I have become with the book Twilight.. (finished it in a record time of 3 days) Well I have many thoughts about it.. and apparently everyone that has read the book is also feeling the same way.. It is a must read.. and if you go to "amys" link on my sidebar.. She has actually started a blog just about the book and the soon to be coming out movie. Have a look and a read.. ..
p.s.. I am in love with a Vampire.... I much younger vampire.. or is he.. ? If you've read the book let me know your thoughts on that..
I am going to purchase the second book tomorrow.. Jim is afraid he is losing me.. He just might be...

good night. and sweet dreams
i know that you should not judge a book by the cover....but if that is the covers of these vampire books count me in!! just don't be surprized if you see them mounted on my wall after!!!
got a mane of janets acupuncturist....should we make an appiontment for the 28th??? make it a day of "health"???
have fun at aggie days!! it seems to be a cool one outside!
You've peaked my interest in 'Twilight'. I'm always looking for something new to read. Unfortunately I'm third in line for it at the public library!
I am excited to have people to talk to about the books.. let me know your reviews when you start.
I bought the secound book today..
got the 2nd chapter under my belt.
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