good morning, As we are going into the weekend.. it is a welcomed treat to not have to go anywhere. I think that I will do some yard work and just hangout.
Life lately has been very busy.. As much as I hate to use that word ( I prefer active)because I think that you are only as busy as you want to be.. and we do have to learn to say no.
With all of that said, there are brief moments in your life were unforseen things happen or doing the "right thing" play a part.
I think this morning I am feeling mentally busy and body drained. I think I need to find "self" again. As we read every magazine and listen to the radio they all encourage courses & products to enhance this process. What I think I need.. more time to reflect and just "be"
I was listening to Martha Stewart Radio the other day and the whole talk show was about just simply slowing down. Not sure what that looks like with a family, business, yard, sports.......etc. but I think I am sure going to put a plan in place to make that closer to reality.
I think I am going to start by making praying a priority. Not something that comes easy for me and I think that quiet reflective time could do us all a little bit of good.
I going to leave everyone with that thought and please comment on what helps you slow down..
I am sure we could all use this advice.
blessing, Twink.
I too can be too busy some times and I find it good to take a moment and reflect. My favorite prayer is this one...God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference...take care...thinking of you all....Carol
just wanted to thank you for the help with the rocks again. we love our little rock garden...........what jason can write in his "what he learnt this weekend book"... is that a rock garden is not always just rocks, but with plants too.
what i learnt this weekend is that muli-vitamins can cause bowel back-up.........and that it feels good to get long standing unfinished projects done!!
as for advice for slowing down...it is hard as for when i slow i either feel guilty or the mind takes over where my body has stopped. i find journaling a good way of "clearing"
You just confirmed everything I have been telling myself. I need to slow down and take time for myself to just 'be'. I seldom take the time for myself. I enjoy spending time with my family but there are times when I just need to clear my mind and reflect.I find my brain goes on over load and then I start to forget things... It is called 'Mom brain' Guilt is a huge thing for me.... me sitting at the computer right now in fact... I have dishes piled up and laundry to do but here I sit.
One day I am going to take myself on a little trip... just me....so I can recharge and get back to being an active Mom. Thanks for the insight Twink. I better go and get busy... ha ha!
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