Now it was my turn to try my had at all these beautiful cookies, now keep in mind as you follow my process through the cookie wonderment of my kitchen.... I am no baker.. I enjoyed the process to these cookies ....(because they were crafty)... but I am no baker..
So after heading into Strathmore yesterday morning to get all (barely any, this is Strathmore) of my required ingredients and tools that I would need for my day of cookie concocting, I get started at about 12 noon. the process looked like this...
The icing color turned out to look like the cheese that you get on nachos at the skating rink. Yuck.! the kids like them so what the heck..
a couple of tricks that she suggests in the book and that are very important.. when working with this icing the liquid is very important. My first batch of icing I used the "gel" coloring and the second batch I used the "food coloring". The food coloring is much more runny and made my icing way to runny and I had to add more icing sugar and play a round with it a lot... If you can find gel coloring.. the mixture is perfect.
Well, I loved the book so... much that I bought one to give away too.. All you have to do is comment on the bottom of the post with your favorite thing to bake this time of year is.
I will pick a name out of a hat next Friday Oct 17.. get your name and post in before than for your chance to win the book "Cookie Craft"
Happy baking
Good for you Twink! Your finished cookies look very yummy! I'm not much into baking, but some of the tricks you talked about, like rolling between wax paper and freezing, would make some of it so much easier! Hhhmmmm Al always says we should bake more instead of getting store bought cookies, am I up to it??? Karen
Your cookies look great!!! My sister is into baking and selling sugar cookies so needless to say that is where mine come from as my kids say I can't make cookies like Auntie Debra and she decorates them way better than I do. I think she has more patience than me. I will have to look into the book you bought for her. See you at the rink!!! Karla
I may have to get inspired and bake cookies. Lord knows I have enough recipie books! Being Thanksgiving weekend (ie. big dinner weekend) my family requires me to make Chocolate Chip Cheesecake. Does this count as baking even though it doesn't actually need to go in the oven? It is exceptionally yummy and foolproof. I haven't made apple pie for a long time either....
wow! i must say, since i have had the pleasure of seeing these cookies in person, that the pictures DO NOT do them justice! they are beautiful!
was saying to the girls at work that they are too pretty to eat....ok..almost, of course i did eat one! YUMMY!!!
my favorite thing to bake????
well around this time of year i really enjoy watching my husband bake a delicious pumpkin cheese cake! it truly is something to die for! could watch him make it all day!
Nice job on the cookies, cheese icing or not - they looked delish!! :) Honestly, my favorite thing is homemade bread. It is just the PERFECT smell in the house when the air is crisp and the leaves are falling :) Mmmmm....
Okay...the "Caballero's" was totally me but I was signed in on a different computer :):) Sorry!
Twink the cookies look amazing! I can't believe this is your first attempt at decorating cookies, you did a great job. At this time of year I love to bake pumpkin muffins. The only problem is that I am usually the only one who likes to eat them. The kids are scared to try pumpkin! They have no idea what they are missing because these muffins are great. Dirk has the odd one, but for the most part it is just me eating them! Take care, talk to you soon, Jolene
(by the way I love your blogs)
Well I know the cookies taste great. I am hoping that you save me some, like you said you were going to. All I can say is that I am glad that they stuck to your cookie sheet. Ha Ha. Great Job. Stacey
I am so impressed. I've been contemplating getting this book, but have been intimiated by the beautiful pictures. But you did an amazing job! This year, I love the smell of apples and cinnamon. Anything in that combo is divine during the fall months.
I have to agree your cookies looked awesome! Fall is my favorite season, I love the colors and the smell of the fresh crisp air. I love apple crisp. Not much of a cookie maker.... I have to admit... I enjoy doing it if I am organized and not in a rush. Sugar cookies are a favorite, my kids love them. I am very impressed with the wax paper tip! I am going to try it.... thanks.
Wow, you are a baker! Thanks for your comments on my blog. Your children are absolutely gorgeous! It's so interesting to see where people are in their lives after so many years. You guys seem like you have lots of fun - and again - your kids are beautiful (and your cute rodeo husband isn't bad either!!!)!
you did a beautiful job on the cookies! of course now we will expect some samples next time you come home!!!
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