My last night dream was about an old acquaintance that has been dead for years, he died again.
Weird, I know! I am typical not a big dreamer, so that was freaky.
The Other night I dreamt that I had bugs in my hair. which is weird with being a co-owner of a hair studio, that would be disastrous. I couldn't find really anything about someone dying again, but this is what I found out about the bugs
To see a bug in your dream, suggests that you are worried about something. It is symbolic of your anxieties and/or fears. What is literally bugging you? Consider also the popular phrase "bitten by the bug" to imply your strong emotional ties or involvement to some activity/interest/hobby. Alternatively, the bug may be representative of your sexual thoughts.
So that made a little bit of sense, I am a bit nervous about my upcoming surgery.. not sure about the sexual thoughts part. Have a great weekend, Hayze and I are off to Cochrane today and Jim and Destiny are off the Cardston for a rodeo today. tomorrow, more of the same.
I have a dream about a dead person a lot. my counsellor tells me It's about unresolved issues with that person...I've had the surgery, it was necessary and I had no problems with it..I got stronger after it..mentally, physically...hi to Destiny,Hayze, and Jim...carolbcool
i think the "BUG" says it all......
what do you mean that you don't understand the "SEX" thing.....
exactly what do you think you are having extracted during your surgury???
weird that a little bug can mean so much......and be so acurate??
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