We Celebrated another great season with the staff in Canmore this weekend.
We stayed at the Wind tower Hotel and had two beautiful suits for the girls.
It was a fantastic time. We shopped, went to a locate establishment, went for a fabulous supper at he grizly paw (local micro brewery) and spent the evening in our hotel room playing some very fun games.
The pictures are just a taste of what it looked like.

12 of us were able to make it for the weekend.
we missed the rest of you.
the local "establishment" where we played pool in the afternoon

The Grizzly Paw

let the games begin.
Tanya and Karli put together some amazing games for us to play.
They had planned 27, we only got through 10.
Can you see the "twist" on connies ankle? Yes we had to do that with flippers on.

You did not want to get a question wrong playing this game.

Tanya supplied us with this glasses for the night. What a whoot.!
They were clean, I promise you.