Lefsa, is a tradition in our family. It is basically a potato tortilla, however we just put butter in it and eat it with our turkey. or it is the best with bacon in it in the morning but different Norwegians do different things.

This is the dough, made up of mashed potatoes, butter, cream and flour. ( room temp, before you add the flour)

Roll it out as thin as you can get it, I had to use a lot of flour so that it wouldn't stick.
That is my moms rolling pin.

Now, I don't have all the fancy lefsa making tools such as a lefsa griddle, flipper, or any other paraphernalia. I just used my electric frying pan and a regular flipper. That worked too..
This is only my second attempt at making lefsa, so I didn't think it warranted anything to fancy.
I must say, this is a two man job and at least 2 griddles. I was a little over excited and made a lot of potatoes, and only used half of my mashed potatoes for the lefsa, so we will be eating mashed potatoes all week.

It tasted great. It actually even looks like it should.
If you would like a recipe. Just let me know and I can try and help.
next time you make lefsa you need to invite me over ;)
It's Talitha by the way......
My grandmother used to make lefsa ...My Mom was also norwegian.....
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