Good Morning!
With my internet on the fritz.. I have some catching up to do.
Well, we bought a car for $3,000 (right on budget). I man is coming to pick it up today because it is falling apart as we speak. I guess that will teach us not to by $3,000 cars. Cute well kept car. 1998 Malibu. Just not the headache we need right now. The guy was very good about it and he is going to give us our money back.
I joined weight watchers a couple of Tuesdays ago with a couple of friends. going well. lost the first week. The key is to stay motivate. My plan is to lose about 2 pounds a week. Setting achievable goals I think will help.

Hockey Play offs started for Hayze. They finished in round one best out of 3 against Nanton. They move on to play Cochrane this weekend best out of 3. Here Saturday Morning and off to Cochrane Sunday morning for a 8 am game. He has been playing goal throughout the whole thing. He is loving it. practising regularly and now wanting goaly school. (lord help us)

Future rodeo cowgirls & cowboys Asc. continues to be our outing every second Sunday for Destiny. Hayze did ride a couple of weeks ago. Destiny is loving it very much and I think has won 10-11 ribbons so far this year. She took her little horse Raz last weekend. We look her out of the pasture and in to the arena. I don't think she liked it very much and was missing her baby (9 mths old) and didn' listen to Destiny very well. For the third event a old college friend of mine lent Destiny a bomb proof horse and she did awesome. Nice big horse that Destiny got going really well. took home the 5th place ribbon for her ride in the barrels.
Bangles is taking part in a 24 hour hockey tournament in Rockyford, cutting hair for donations this weekend. One of our stylist is planning on shaving her head for "Relay for Life" Saturday night if she can raise $5000. We have be raising funds at the shop for 2 1/2 days . she already has $1700. I'm sure Karli will be bald.
As you can tell we have an exciting weekend planned. I have Saturday off and looking forward to all the recreational activity.. Plus really want to see Karli Bald.
Have a good day.