My eco bags are my new favorite things.
Not because I can fit $135.oo worth of groceries into 3 bags.. (darn price of groceries) but because I can fit $135.00 worth of groceries in 3. (less trips to the truck to bring them in).
Not to mention what I am doing for the environment... Still working on my recycling plan.
Try them if you haven't, you'll love them.
After camping was over I rushed home to do some last minute things for work and to get Hayze to the wild pony races. They started on Thursday and continue until tomorrow. The boys received matching western shirts and are competing for a buckle. They have done great until today. Getting stepped on and taking wrecks and keeping on going.
Marlene and Dave Earl came and spent 3 nights with there family (minus Scot) while they were on holidays. They came with me on Friday night and watched thire 1st rodeo.. I hope they had fun. It was great to have them here with us.
Rodeo Royalty Trio
I have taken hundreds of pictures lately. I will go through and share some sone. Good Night