Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fun Country Riders Banquet.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Give away and reuse
A while back I had mentioned to my friend Tanya that I wanted to organize a swap. You know a place where my friends and I could bring 10 or so items to swap with other ladies. This could be anything from house hold decor to books to dishes, just something in good shape but that you don't use or need anymore. Well I haven't had the time to organize such an event, however, my dear daughter gave me an idea tonight. I have this nice picture in my office just sitting on my desk. It recently lost it's home when I redecorated my bedroom. The other thing I have in my office right now is 52 items for a raffle table for the kids banquet for the gymkhana club. Destiny said "mom why don't you donate this picture to the raffle table? Well I can't really do that seeing it is "used". But what I can do is "raffle it away" on my blog. So I am encouraging reusing/recycling, and I think it is to nice of picture to take it to the "take it or leave it". It is a real nice feminine piece that would go nice in a romantic, or french, or girls room. It caught my eye because it was so "classy".
Ok. If you would like this picture for your home, leave a comment on this post and I will make a draw for it next Wednesday Oct. 28.
If you are selected I will mail it out to you, I will contact you for your info if required.
to leave a comment, click on the word "comment" on the bottom
Karen's Wedding
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It Is In The Eye

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Bringing Home the Hay