this was a none talking role, but she was on the stage the whole night.
Destiny did so good in this role. she didn't act silly or nervous and was right on cue.
we were so proud of her
I want to say, if you are one of our friends that bought tickets for the great DeWalt tool package off of us to support Hayzes hockey, I have good news and bad news.. You didn't win, the good news is you know the person who did.. ME... Isn't that great? I have some projects lined up.. Will see how they pan out.. Jim isn't as excited about owning tools as he was about asking for them for the last 4 years. (be careful what you wish for)
[dec 1, 2008]
[dec 20, 2008]
[dec 23, 2008]
I have done a lot of baking.. well for me anyway.. and tonight I tried my hand at cabbage rolls. My mom always served cabbage rolls with Christmas dinner.. My oldest brother Monty's fav. so she always made sure that they were there for him.. Mine are in the oven tonight. I must add, I am a little nerves about the outcome so I thought I would make them a couple days a head so if they need to be redone I could do that. So far, they are smelling good.
[dec 16, 2008]
I went back to work last week for 4 short days. I didn't work full days but it felt good to get there and do something out of the house. The shop is doing great and it was really good to see all the girls again.