Cassie Campbell put on a street hockey festival for all age levels of Hockey.. Hayze and his buddies were the "Strathmore Road Dawgs"....
I say this to the clients and the staff yesterday, only to figure out that I have my own way of "laughing out loud" when I am typing.. HE,HE Te he, ha, ha... and my clients favorite was just HA!!!!.
Our conversations are always fun and assorted... yesterday's brought up a lot of comments and questions about texting and actually socializing with your friends.. A sign of the times the mom of two teenager assured me.. Still not to sure if that makes it OK...
I am feeling a bit of a generation gap as I write this.. simply in my thoughts that it is still OK just to pick up the phone and really just "laugh our loud"
Have a great day.
tomorrow are my eyebrows.. How do they ever get this bad..?
I just wanted to add to this post that Lynn your Amish friendship bread is in route and how in the world did you finish that book in one night? I am glad you did.. but how? I am also glad to hear that you are in love with Edward too.... It feels good doesn't it? tehe.. Who knew that at our age we could love a fictional young vampire... Anyway are you going to let Jazmin read it?
Our Cute little Jenna, she had a great time with all the other kids playing on the tires and she even tried her had at baseball.. She did so well and looked so cute in the back catcher mask. Of course I was out of battery for that shot.
What better place to play ball than in the prairie grass.. The diamonds are in need of a bit of TLC but absolutely perfect for us yesterday.
I wanted to share some ideas on Destiny's hair for anyone that is interested.Before
After if you click on the picture you can see it bigger.
I am making my way through "New moon" has anyone started "Twilight" yet?
The snow we walked through in the parking lot of the orthodontist was more that 8 inches high.. Amazing how snow can fall in Calgary so wet and heavy and nothing in our yard.. 30 mins away. Needless to say that the school trip was cancelled for all the kids..
I had phoned the Dr.'s office to assure them we would be arriving, just 1 hour late. They were fine with that and when we arrived we were 1 of 2 patients that had arrived.. 8 chairs sat empty.. we are troopers..
Well I wish that was the only reason we persevered, OH NO, I had alerter motives..I had to get to the city to get my book.. well books actually. I also bought the next one in the series.
I want to say thanks to Tanya for the "juno" sound track.. how great it that.? I think we found our new campfire songs.. no promises but I bet I can teach myself the chords on my guitar.. Can't wait!!!!!!!! You maybe listen to a song of it now if you have your volume turned up.. funny stuff.
One last thing... I might have told you how obsessed I have become with the book Twilight.. (finished it in a record time of 3 days) Well I have many thoughts about it.. and apparently everyone that has read the book is also feeling the same way.. It is a must read.. and if you go to "amys" link on my sidebar.. She has actually started a blog just about the book and the soon to be coming out movie. Have a look and a read.. ..
p.s.. I am in love with a Vampire.... I much younger vampire.. or is he.. ? If you've read the book let me know your thoughts on that..